Sunday, November 28, 2010

Some books about Rwanda

I received the books about Rwanda: as we forgive by catherine claire larson, Our Lady of Kibeho by Immaculee Ilibagiza, and Land of a Thousand Hills by Rosamond Halsey Carr. I am looking forward to reading them.

On the treadmill I am slowly working through the book about culture and found it striking when he stated that denial, critique, and consumption of culture does not change culture. Only the making of more culture changes culture.      Ah, but can you get published?

I read Cradle by Arthur C. Clarke and Gentry Lee. For some reason one or both authors thought it needed lots and lots of really explicit sex. I ended up skipping many chapters to get to the stuff I wanted, which were aliens.
A little story here: At a science fiction convention I ended up sitting with two other writers and the woman mentioned that sometimes she was embarrassed to meet her fans because she knew they had read her explicit sex scenes and wondered what they were thinking when they looked at her. The man said that whenever he wrote pornography he couldn't (have sex). And I've heard from a couple wives that when their husbands watched a lot of pornography, they could not (have sex). Do I detect a pattern here?
Tolkien: A Look Behind The Lord Of The Rings by Lin Carter where he slapped together some outlining, some quotes, and mentioned possible influences and done! Wonder if I should try that, but I'm not that interested in Harry Potter.

A 1953 book called a classic on the front, Costigan's Needle by Jerry Sohl. I started it. Maybe if I had read it all the way to the end I might have found that it was indeed a classic, but I don't think so. 
40 Days in Ordinary Time by Judith Quinton was an emotional ride. 
We're Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy And The World's Getting Worse by James Hillman and Michael Ventura. Wonderful title. Started and dropped because of its vulgarity. 
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction edited by Avram Davidson, Thirteenth Series. Some hits, some misses. 

Alpha Redemption by P.A. Baines. I like the interweaving of back story and regressing story. A computer coming to faith strikes me as odd, but then, I think androids "wanting" to become human is risable also.
The Secret of the Gnome which I read at my grandson's and so don't remember the author was a lot of fun. Rumplestiltskin in his later years.
The Eye of Warlock by P.W. Catanese. Hansel and Gretel 50 years later. Also fun.

I reread Orbit 21 edited by Damon Knight. And what have we here? Nestled amongst so many bright lights of the sf world is a short story by me! Wheee!
The Twelfth Imam by Joel Rosenberg. Exciting, yes indeed.
Molly Banneky by somebody. A picture book I sent to my grandaughter. Fascinating look at a bit of colonial history.
The Streets Are Free by Kurusa, illus by Monike Doppert. Based on a true story of child activism. How much child and how much guidance I don't know. I like the lesson of taking things into your own hands.
Pecan Pie Baby by Jacqueline Woodson illus by Sophie Blackall. Good to read to the first child when the second one is coming.
Caps For Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina: Now there is a fun classic.
In the Days of the Comet: Boring preaching.

My son gave me a book called Unit Operations   An Approach To Videogame Criticism. I goggled at him and asked if I would be able to understand a single word of it. In the first two pages, Ian Bogost, the writer, taught me a new word: moil. whooo.  So I thought a poem on the way home while best beloved drove through light snowfall. Boil, moil, and toil, As invisible armies fight invisible foes, And toxins spilt stab joints and veins, dum de dum forgot this line, Coiled capillaries deliver, ah, not fluenza, not affluenza, effluence? to tender liver, Cells leak, a fever peaks, and I don't recall the rest. It sounded better in my hypnogogic state than it does on a cold, white screen. Anyway, it promises an interesting read whilst I keep dictionary near.

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